Check of my current immunity status.

NK cell activity test

Check if my body is now capable of beating bacteria, virus and cancer cells through NK call activity tests.

Check of my current
immunity status.

NK cell activity test

Check if my body is now capable of beating bacteria,
virus and cancer cells through NK call activity tests.

NK cell activity test to check an immunity status

A test to examine the immunity status of
our body by checking the activity of NK cells.

NK cell activity test to check an immunity status

A test to examine the immunity status of
our body by checking the activity of NK cells.

NK cell activity test for health management

In case of a low activity,
test and management
to be ready against disease
are available.

NK cell activity test for health management

In case of a low activity, test and management
to be ready against disease are available.

Best NK cell company
DNAGO is different in the NK cell activity test

Best NK cell company
DNAGO is different in the NK cell activity test

Prepare Your Healthy Life

NK Cell
NK Cell Activity test kit

Test your immunity level through NK Cell Activity test for your advanced wellness service with DNAGO

  • Direct blood collection for accuracy
  • Duplication test for high reliability
  • Only one case can be added to the shopping cart to enter the store owner information.