Provides clinical genetic testing on all 20,000+ genes encompassing 7,000+ rare genetic diseases at an affordable price for patients in need with DNAGO’s AI System.

Search rare genetic diseases
Affordable genetic test on 7,000+ rare genetic diseases at once.


Rare Disease Genetic Test

Diagnostic testing for patients across all rare genetic diseases, including Cystic fibrosis, Fabry disease, Epilepsy, Hemophilia, all types of hereditary cancers, etc.

7,000 + Rare diseases

20,000 + Genes

Within 6 Diseases

7,000+ Rare diseases

20,000+ Genes

within 6 diseases

One test to cover all genes

Decoding all genes

A genetic variant in a gene causes a rare genetic disease. To maximize the diagnostic yield, all DNA sequences of 20,000 genes can be decoded by whole exome sequencing.
With the advanced sequencing technology, 99.3% of gene regions are decoded on average.

One symptom, many potential diseases

Why do we decode whole genes? Genetic mutations in different genes can cause common symptoms. For example, if a patient has symptoms related to the nervous system, 3,394 diseases with different genetic origins could be the cause.

This is why all 3,394 diseases need to be tested for the diagnosis.

To test all rare genetic diseases and maximize diagnostic yield, we decode all genes.

Advanced interpretation, improved diagnostic yield

Interpretation problem

From each patient, more than 100,000 genetic variants can be identified. Each of the variants needs to be interpreted for its association with the patient’s symptoms.

Each variant is interpreted by standard interpretation guidelines such as ACMG guidelines (Richards S et al, 2015). ACMG guideline is composed of 28 rules, which means each variant needs to be interpreted in each of 28 different rules with different perspective and data. It takes an average of 90 minutes to interpret a variant by a trained medical geneticist.

AI for interpretation

We developed an automated variant interpretation system, called EVIDENCE, to interpret 100,000 variants identified in each patient according to the ACMG guideline. EVIDENCE has several advantages compared to human experts as below.

  • Consistent and unbiased interpretation
  • Minimize interpretation cost
  • Improved interpretation by up-to-date data integration

One test to cover all genes

Decoding all genes

A genetic variant in a gene causes a rare genetic disease. To maximize the diagnostic yield, all DNA sequences of 20,000 genes can be decoded by whole exome sequencing.
With the advanced sequencing technology, 99.3% of gene regions are decoded on average.

One symptom, many potential diseases

Why do we decode whole genes? Genetic mutations in different genes can cause common symptoms. For example, if a patient has symptoms related to the nervous system, 3,394 diseases with different genetic origins could be the cause.

This is why all 3,394 diseases need to be tested for the diagnosis.

To test all rare genetic diseases and maximize diagnostic yield, we decode all genes.

Advanced interpretation, improved diagnostic yield

Interpretation problem

From each patient, more than 100,000 genetic variants can be identified. Each of the variants needs to be interpreted for its association with the patient’s symptoms.

Each variant is interpreted by standard interpretation guidelines such as ACMG guidelines (Richards S et al, 2015). ACMG guideline is composed of 28 rules, which means each variant needs to be interpreted in each of 28 different rules with different perspective and data. It takes an average of 90 minutes to interpret a variant by a trained medical geneticist.

AI for interpretation

We developed an automated variant interpretation system, called EVIDENCE, to interpret 100,000 variants identified in each patient according to the ACMG guideline. EVIDENCE has several advantages compared to human experts as below.

  • Consistent and unbiased interpretation
  • Minimize interpretation cost
  • Improved interpretation by up-to-date data integration

Your DNA includes amazing history! Discover your detailed DNA for ancestry, expected disease and healthy wellbeing!

Each service enable you to understand the full depth of your ancestry, having family histories to life and preparing goal-oriented wellbeing reports for your healthy wellbeing life.

Your DNA includes amazing history! Discover your detailed DNA for ancestry, expected disease and healthy wellness!

Each service enable you to understand the full depth of your ancestry, having family histories to life and preparing goal-oriented wellness reports for your healthy wellness life.

All About DNAGO


Your genetic test is telling you about your genetic disease with a high risk of occurrence, while NK cell activity test is telling you about your body status of capable of bating bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells for your health management.


DNAGO has three banking services, storing dermal papilla cell for your hair loss treatment, NK cell and stem cell for your future health medical treatment. To cope with future diseases, it is crucial to store NK cells and stem cells at DNAGO for your future medical treatment.


As a cell-specialized bio company, DNAGO provides a new medical-treatment paradigm through stem cells, NK immune cells, and dermal papilla cells.


Understand how to consume foods, vitamins and exercises matching with your body. Perhaps you need extra Vitamin D or find out that stretching is key to your exercise program.

Report categories

You can access 500 reports ranging from cancers, general diseases, and traits from a single alive sample.
The number of reports you receive may be different according to your sex.
(460 reports for all sexes, +10 reports for males, +30 reports for females)


Cancer Reports

Predicts your likelihood of
developing major and cancers.


General Diseases Reports

Predicts your likelihood of
developing a wide variety of health conditions including major chronic diseases.


Traits Reports

Predicts your genetic tendencies towards physical traits.

Report categories

You can access 500 reports ranging from cancers, general diseases, and traits from a singles alive sample.
The number of reports you receive may be different according to your sex.
(460 reports for all sexes, +10 reports for males, +30 reports for females)


Cancer Reports

Predicts your likelihood of
developing major and cancers.


General Diseases Reports

Predicts your likelihood of
developing a wide variety of health conditions including major chronic diseases.


Traits Reports

Predicts your genetic tendencies towards physical traits.

500 Key Reports

The Reasons You’ll Love It



Stomach, colorectal, thyroid, lung, liver, etc. [more]

Brain Health


Alzheimer’s disease, cerebral ischemia, cerebral hemorrhage, etc. [more]

Nutrition & Metabolism


Vitamin, mineral,DHA, unsaturated fats, etc. [more]



Insomnia, circadian rhythm, obstructive sleep apnea, etc. [more]

Weight Management


Testing metabolic rate, lower body obesity, yo-yo effect, etc. [more]

Skin Care


Skin aging, skin pigmentation, skin elasticity, hair loss, etc. [more]

Drug Response


Nicotine dependence, caffeine dependence, alcohol and nicotine co-dependence, etc. [more]

Respiratory Health


Asthma, allergic rhinitis, response to fine dust, etc. [more]

Circulatory Health


High blood pressure, angina, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, etc. [more]

Metabolic Diseases


Type 1,2 diabetes, liver cirrhosis, chronic kidney failure, etc. [more]

Recovery Ideas


Find out the best way to wind down after exercise with our recommendations. [more]

Nutrition & Exercise ideas


Get professional nutrition and exercise tips and advice that can fit around your lifestyle. [more]

Prepare Your Healthy Life

We Have Pricing Plans To Suit Everything You Need

– Product coming soon! –

Cancer test kit

Predicts your tendency towards all cancers, based on genetic information and get a solution to manage your lifestyle.

  • Personalized report
  • Predictive cancer percentages
  • My cell care upgrade available
  • Duplication test for high reliability
  • Only one case can be added to the shopping cart to enter the store owner information.

Rare Disease
test kit

Predicts your tendency towards Rare diseases based on genetic information and get a solution to manage your lifestyle.

  • Personalized report
  • Reanalysis is free
  • Duplication test for high reliability
  • Only one case can be added to the shopping cart to enter the store owner information.

test kit

Predicts your tendency towards Basic DNA based on genetic information and get a solution to manage your future diseases for your wellness life.

  • Personalized report
  • Predictive cancer percentages
  • My cell care upgrade available
  • Duplication test for high reliability
  • Only one case can be added to the shopping cart to enter the store owner information.

Full Ancestry kit

The full ancestry experience from your deep ancestry to DNA matching

  • Your recent regional ancestry
  • Subregional DNA breakdowns
  • Your DNA today
  • Your extended ancestry
  • Family DNA matching
  • Personalized merchandise
  • Additional insights

Wellness + Ancestry kit

Advanced ancestry reports and your body’s fitness and nutritional responses

  • Recent ancestry & subregional DNA breakdowns
  • Vitamin response, food metabolism & nutrition
  • Your DNA today & extended ancestry
  • Exercise and recovery
  • DNA matching
  • Your wellbeing & ancestry experience

NK Cell
NK Cell Activity test kit

Test your immunity level through NK Cell Activity test for your advanced wellness service with DNAGO

  • Accurate test
  • Duplication test for high reliability
  • Only one case can be added to the shopping cart to enter the wellness service account.

DPC Cell
DPC Cell Banking service

Store your Dermal Papilla Cell for your healthy hairs. You can make 30,000 hairs from one hair.

  • Core cells responsible for hair growth
  • Through DNAGO’s unique dermal papilla cell culture technology, you can get 300,000 hairs back.
  • Only one case can be added to the shopping cart to enter the wellness service account.

NK Cell
NK Cell Banking service

Prepare against future disease with the healthiest NK cells when you are healthiest. 

  • Elite Fighter Fighting Against Cancer and Disease
  • Various bacteria, viruses that cause disease,
  • NK cells that accurately and reliably remove only cancer cells
  • Only one case can be added to the shopping cart to enter the wellness service account.

Genetic Cell
Stem Cell Banking service

Prepare against future disease with the healthiest Stem cells when you are healthiest. 

  • All-rounder that can be bones and various organs
  • Stem cell storage is a preparation method for treating damaged tissues due to future accidents, diseases, incurable diseases, incurable diseases, and aging.
  • Only one case can be added to the shopping cart to enter the wellness service account.